Plusvalía Cullera Calculator

You can use the following tool to estimate the municipal capital gains tax (plusvalía) to be paid.

According to the legislation, it is calculated by 2 different methods:

  • Objective method: based on coefficients and years of ownership.
  • Real method: based on the actual gain obtained from the sale.

For both methods, the local government sets the tax rate, with the maximum being 30%. In Cullera, the local government has chosen the maximum rate, which is 30%

Once the calculation is made using both methods, the taxpayer will choose the method that suits them best, usually the one with the lower value.

You can now enter the required data for the calculation. If you don't know the cadastral value of the land or the property, you can check it on the municipal IBI receipt.


Please complete all fields before calculating.


Years of ownership:

Coefficient applied:

Capital gain (objective method):

Capital gain (real method):

* The calculation is for guidance purposes, as legislation, coefficients, or cadastral values may change over time.

Capital Gains Tax

On the other hand, don't forget the tax generated by capital gains, which is calculated and settled through the annual income tax (IRPF).

This tax is calculated based on the purchase price, sale price, and deductible expenses associated with the property.

With this information, the calculation is made and taxed according to the IRPF brackets, ranging from 19% up to 28% (depending on the taxable savings base).

Do you have any questions?

That's normal. If you do, we're here to help. Contact us to discuss your particular case and see if we can assist you with the sale of your property.



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  • Advising you on current market conditions
  • Performing a valuation according to these conditions for a sale within estimated time
  • Amplifying property advertising and filtering visits
  • Monitoring and negotiating offers
  • Comprehensive management and monitoring of the sale
  • Processing utilities changes, administration and various post-sale services

If you sell too soon or too late, you will probably be leaving money on the table.

That is why information and advice is vital in this business, so that everything goes well and so that you have the security of having sold your property under the best conditions.

And also free of worries. And without having wasted time.

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